Friday, September 17, 2010

The Kickoff 2010 Drink Line-up

These are the fun drinks that will be available for sampling at this years Kickoff event.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Time to “Kickoff” the 2010-2011 Gourmet Dining Season

The 2010 season of Campus Green Gourmet Club must be close to our 30th year as a neighborhood dinner club, I’ll check on the date and note it here. This year the Smart’s have graciously agreed to host our annual kickoff event on Saturday evening September 18th. The time of the event is 7:00 PM and the location is 1608 Tulane. The cost is $20 per couple and we ask everyone to bring an appetizer plate fit to feed the crowd. We have an tasty year of dinning planned so see you at the kickoff.