Thursday, September 21, 2006

Campus Green Gourmet Kickoff A Success
The Campus Green Gourmet Club kicked off another great dinning season Saturday night September 16th with a rich array of appetizers and desserts created by the members in attendance. The event was held at the Price’s residence on Penn Court. The warm evening was perfect for relaxing and dining indoors as well as outdoors, and made even more perfect by the fire pit, that host Ken Price maintained throughout the evening.

The main event of the evening was the after dinner cordial tasting. Wine has traditionally been the subject the club’s testing’s but this year the club changed that with a tasting of cordials or liqueurs a term that is interchangeable in the United States. Generally thought of as after-dinner drinks, liqueurs can be before-dinners drinks, the main event as well as dessert.

The sampling started with Hpnotiq a blend of aromatic fruits, tropical nectars, Vodka and Cognac with an ocean blue color. The second cordial tasted was Vanille Royale, a French Vanilla cream and Cognac liqueur that we mixed with Chambord raspberry liqueur for a tasty dessert drink. The tasting then moved on to Starbuck’s Coffee Liqueur, which we sampled with cream for a delicious coffee drink. Grand Marnier finished off the tasting with a dessert dish of fresh strawberries macerated in Grand Marnier. It was prepared by covering the strawberries with Grand Marnier for one to two hours inside an airtight bag and served in a wine glass with whipped cream. This dish was a hit with the attendees.

The evening finished off with parting gifts for all the couples in attendance, the Wrights, John and Pat created a unique gift for each attendee couple, a wine bottle filled with clear mini-lights and draped with grapes, vines and raffia for an attractive table piece. In addition, each couple had their choice of a Trinchero Family Estate wine and an individual size bottle of Kahlua, coffee liqueur, a White Russian or Mudslide. The dinners for this season are scheduled for the evenings of November 18th, January 20th, March 17th and May 19th. For additional information on this club, photos of the event or links to the products go to

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Gourmet Kickoff

Date: Saturday, September 16th 7:30 PM
At the Price’s—1754 Penn Ct.
Only $30.00 per couple

UPDATE Scheduling conflict, Alan will be unable to be with us Saturday Night, the cordial demonstration will continue without him.

Alan’s back this year and he is bringing a selection of cordials that work well as after dinner drinks and even desserts. If you like what you taste, you can buy them later at your convenience.
Alan Mirkiani is currently a wine consumer educator. He has been in the field of hospitality for over 30 years. Studied and apprenticed as a hotel and restaurant merchant in Germany and Sweden. Served as wine steward at Hyatt Regency Chicago and the Ritz Carlton Hotel. He has owned and operated his own catering business. Managed such restaurants as Truffles, Morton’s of Chicago and a chain of over 50 restaurants in four states.
We will be sampling several cordials. Also, Alan has planned a special dessert using a liqueur. Club members attending this event will receive a special gift created specially for the Campus Green Gourmet Club. Hope to see you there!

Additional information on liqueurs at:

Please RSVP by 9/13
Phone Sophia at:
Drop off a check for $30 by 9/13 to: 1536 Kenyon Dr.